
Delf b1 Past Questions


Having a DELF B1 certification serves as an invaluable international recognition of French proficiency which can qualify you for study, work, or other opportunities. Secondly, for those looking to obtain a permanent nationality in France or Switzerland, take note that a minimum level of DELF B1 is required.

As one of the foreign subjects assimilated into the Nigerian educational system, French is an important subject in foreign studies. It is also a core subject in the secondary school examination because of the countries that have it as their lingua franca Aside from this, french studies and the mastery of french as a Nigerian is seen to be a lucrative venture. This is why we bring you Delf b1 Past Questions and Answer Free Download to pass the examination and achieve success.

Why you need Delf b1 Past Questions

Doing the past paper under exam conditions means you’re essentially “taking the exam” with everything that’s in your brain at the time. This is a great way to see how much you know, rather than thinking that you know it all and finding out later.


How is Delf b1 Past Questions Pattern?

Delf b1 is pattern in objectives and multiple choice format for the written examination. Oral examination is the second stage of the examination. The exam body Normally conducts her exams using a computer-based test (CBT). This norm has been maintained for many years. For each of the categories listed you will find a full collection of previous questions and answers.

Sample of Delf b1 Past Questions


Read carefully the passages below and answer the questions that follow.

Un chef chez les blancs Dans l’après-midi, le chef est venu présenter lui-même les poulets, la chèvre, la corbeilled’œufs et les papayes qu’il entendait offrir aux blancs. Ces derniers l’ont invite à prendre un verre de whisky avec eux. Visiblement, le chef était fier d’être assis au milieu des blancs. Ensuite guidé par le chef, ils se sont dirigés vers la case aux palabres. Jamb Result


Le soir avait trouve les Blancs fatigués par le voyage et par les palabres de la journée. Alors, ils
n’avaient pas touché au repas du soir. Notre maitre, le commandant, s’est couché en travers de
son lit. Je me suis agenouillé pour retirer mes chaussures. De la véranda nous parvenait le
murmure d’un dialogue entre l’ingénieur et Sophie.

J’ai souhaité bonne nuit au commandant. Au moment où je sortais, l’ingénieur, qui buvait encore
son whisky à la véranda, m’a appelé. Il faisait déjà nuit. Je suis allé à lui, guidé par le bout rouge
de sa cigarette.

Source: Oyono Ferdinand, Une vie de boy

1. Qu’est-ce que le chef comptait faire avec les animaux ? Il comptait…………….
A. les vendre a ses clients.
B. les manger.
C. les tuer.
D. les donner aux blancs.

2. Les blancs ont-ils invité le chef pour qu’il ……….. avec eux.
A. parle
B. dine
C. boive
D. sorte


From the options lettered A to D, choose the one that best completes the sentence.

3. A vrai dire, je ne m’étonne pas ………………… son absence à l’église.
A. à
B. de
C. pour
D. vers

From the options lettered A to D, choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the word or group of words underlined. Pounds to Naira

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7 Tips to Prepare for TRCN Exams

  1. Don’t make reading your hobby: A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be in top priority and not a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  2. Get Exams Preparation Materials: These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Past Question On TRCN Examination, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastering of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  3. Attend Extramural Classes: Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will not only help you refresh your memory but will boast your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  4. Sleep when you feel like it When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  5. Make sure you are healthy: Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well. Pounds to Naira
  6. Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, toand  avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk, and glucose. This will help you to enhance retention.
  7. Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire life on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you to score as high as possible.

We wish you good luck!

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