
Efficient Tips on How to Write a Creative Essay


Creative writing takes students beyond any academic essay. In recent years, schools and colleges have begun to give their students more and more assignments related to creative essay writing. Teachers see only advantages in it — this type of activity does not imply deep research, but it helps develop the ability to argue their points of view, logic and to develop students’ own opinions. For many students, however, this assignment is more challenging than any other type of academic writing. Together with the personal statement writing service, which helps students deal with this task every day, we have prepared hints for you to help you cope with creative essays quicker.

Structure of a Creative Essay

Any academic essay must have a thesis statement at its core. It expresses your personal attitude to the question posed and, at the same time, is your main idea. Often, it can be more than one thesis statement. Your task is to choose the right arguments that can support your thesis and illustrate your opinion on the topic.



As a rule, creative essays do not differ in their structure from other academic papers and consist of the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion familiar to any student.


In the first and last paragraphs, your attention should be focused solely on the problem under consideration. The main part contains your arguments and examples. All components of a creative essay must have a logical connection between them.

Tips on Writing a Creative Essay

Original Idea


The original idea is about 75% of success. This is the main thing to bet on. If you imagine that you participate in a contest and five perfect essays are submitted, in the end, the one with the idea that “hooks” the readers the most will win. That’s why it’s worth paying special attention to the development of the idea.

The logical structure of the essay

The structure of an essay can be very diverse, but try to be logical and consistent. It is up to you to use the “inverted pyramid” principle or not, but try to make sure that the meaning of the text unfolds before the reader smoothly, without sudden jumps from one thought to another and then to a third one.

Answer the questions

Try to avoid abstract unanswered questions. We often think that rhetorical questions add depth to our essays. However, any reader wants to find answers in your work, not an abundance of questions. That’s why try to answer every question you pose right away in the context of your essay.

Examples in an Essay

Examples are other useful aspects that can be successfully used in writing a creative essay. Any statements look complete and do not raise unnecessary questions if they come with examples. Illustrations allow a little distraction from the flow of the author’s thoughts and bring a healthy flavor to the text.

An essay with examples makes a stronger impression on the reader, looks richer, and dilutes the monotony of reasoning. That’s why it’s a big advantage if you give examples in your essay. However, here, as in everything, you should know the limit.

Think about Your Audience

Putting yourself in your reader’s shoes is the first thing anyone should do at all stages of their work. This makes it possible to write an essay that is close to the audience.

The integrity of an Essay

Every assignment has limitations. That’s why, within these limitations, the author needs to convey his or her thought as fully as possible to the reader. And you should not forget one important rule, which is especially relevant for essays. Any text should be like a sphere. It should disclose the question so fully that it leaves no unnecessary questions.


Finally, don’t forget that you write your best work when you are inspired. The fastest way to summon inspiration and get a boost of enthusiasm is to generate a new idea that you can put into practice.


Do not let the word creative frighten you in the title of this assignment. It is nothing more than a statement of your opinion about the question posed. Creativity is expressed in the way you present your thoughts, examples, vivid metaphors, comparisons, and other figures of speech.

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